Monday, May 23, 2011

Huck Finn is an excellent roommate, wait no that's not right.

So for some reason I have the inability to write about anything Huck Finn related. This happens to be problem because I have a paper on it due Wednesday. I've gotten basically all of my work due for the rest of the quarter done except for this, well finals too but I can't do anything about those till they're happening. I don't understand why teachers assign papers. I am sure they don't want to grade them or even come up with topics for them and students sure as hell don't want to write them. So pretty much why not make everyone happy and not have papers. Good news is this is the last English class I ever have to take and being involved in almost only math means there are not going to be many more papers in my future.

So everything wedding oriented is over with and I couldn't be more relieved. I think everyone involved will agree with me that it has been a long and stressful process. The reception went really well it I was happier to see everyone than I thought I'd be. Everyone was in great moods and seemed to have a really good time. Clean-up and set up wasn't that bad either. Everything was all put away by today and best news is there is left over cake. Now that it's all over I am really looking forward to life being boring for a little while. My mom is out of town till Thursday which leaves me with the boys and my dad. When she gets back things should be nice and relaxing, well other than finals but that's a totally different story.

So I got my roommate suggestion today. I tried looking her up on facebook but I'm not sure I found her and if I did it doesn't look promising. All of the people with the same name seemed awfully strange. I can deal with a little weird but the people I saw all seemed to be off their rockers.  All I want is a roommate that is semi-normal and has a similar sleeping schedule. I feel like that's not a whole lot to ask. But we'll see, if she doesn't turn out to be the one then I'm gonna end up with a random roommate and hope for the best. Maybe I'll get really lucky and end up with a rich one that will buy me food, that'd be the dream haha.

Well I should probably stop writing on here and attempt writing on an academic level. If anyone has any good support for Twain switching the protagonist at the end of Huck Finn I can be a really nice person if bribed with information.

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