Sunday, August 7, 2011

and the count down begins

I know, I know I've been really awful at keeping up with this. It'll probably only get worse, but while I'm thinking about it I'll give an update.

So t-minus 25 days till I move into the dorms, and let's just say that the 1st cannot come soon enough. I've officially got everything I think I'm going to need other than some food stuff that I'm not gonna want to get until I actually get in there. I've already met some new people and I am registered for classes. It's right about this time that it becomes pretty apparent how truly impatient I am. Sure this summer has gone by incredibly fast but I still feel like it's dragging on.  Not only am I unbelievably excited to be in the dorms and finally getting the whole college experience, I'm also just ready for cooler weather, being able to wear hoodies and jeans, apple cider, football games, and all of the fun that comes along with fall.

I am officially an adult now, the big 18 and yeah it's treating me pretty well. Granted I haven't really done anything yet that I couldn't do before. I'm thinking about doing something crazy like getting my ear pierced haha. I do like that I have the options of doing things though even if I probably won't take advantage of like half of them. Regardless though I am now a big kid and I'm loving it.

Nothing too crazy has been going on in my life lately. Taylor and Dom were down this weekend which was fun, I've done a lot of organizing, I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of working out, and other than that my life has consisted of doing school work and sitting by the pool with the boys.

I haven't really come up with any new thought on life. What I've been focusing most on lately is being completely honest with people. I've always been a fairly blunt person I just want to make sure that people can count on me, if for no other reason than that I'll tell the truth. Like always it's a work in progress. I am a girl and lying is supposedly in our nature. I just want to make sure it's obvious that with me what you see is what you get.

Well that's about all I have to say, not very exciting but hey at least it's something.