Monday, May 9, 2011

Keep on the sunny side

I am soooo sleepy. I spent another two hours in the pool with the boys today and I am worn out. Luckily Jess came over to keep me some company, I feel like I haven't seen her in forever. I've kinda become anti-social this quarter. The idea of people just hasn't seemed appealing lately. I'm trying to spend more time with my friends now but I still enjoy being alone too much. It's really nothing against them, I like having them around but most of the time I just want to be alone and veg. out.

I have already started to write this quarter off. I failed yet another calculus test after hours of studying, argg. Hopefully I'll be able to pull a passing grade out of my butt this time around but one can only hope. I'm just not feeling any of my classes and am just ready for all of them to be over. They're putting me in a bad mood. I feel like I am dumping a lot of time and energy into all of them and am not seeing anything good happen in return. Thankfully it's week 7 and this will all eventually be a distant memory.

On a happier note, today was gorgeous out. Like 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Not being able to find a parking spot was actually good cause the walk to and from class was soo nice. Also I got a little bit of a tan while swimming and that's never a bad thing. Sunshine always tend to brighten my mood a bit, my be something to do with the vitamin D

I'm so ready for next year. I started looking at the course offerings trying to get a basic plan for my schedule. It's awesome thinking about how I'll be living right next to all of my classes. Meaning I can nap between class, stop for some lunch that will already be paid for, and not have to wake up quite as early as I do now because I won't have to drive to get to school in the morning. I've never been a very patient person and the anticipation to move out is killing me.

Well tomorrow is my music exam so I should go study, especially since today is Monday and I need to be finished before United States of Tara is on. If you haven't seen this you should it's by far the best show that I've ever seen. Anyway I'm off. Look at me go three consecutive days of writing on this hah.

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