Saturday, May 28, 2011

Graduation Day

So today is graduation day. Instead of walking I will most likely be doing some form of yard work with my parents. It's weird I've been in college for like two years now but it's not until after today that I will be a degree seeking, for real, actual college kid. I haven't stepped foot in my high school in over a year and probably won't ever again. I'm not entirely sure how I'm feeling about all of this. Excited obviously, slightly apathetic maybe, but over all just weird. This marks my actual arrival into the real world and from as far as I can remember I've been waiting for this day since I knew what it was and now that it is here I'm not sure that I even really care. Hopefully I'll be able to do something with my parents today to mark the occasion but we will see.

I am officially one step closer to moving out in the fall. All I want to do is start dorm room shopping and planning out what I'm going to do. I'm so ready to be involved in college life. The studying on the green, eating in the dining halls, going to parties, meeting new people, making new friends. I'm just so ready for it all. I'm a little scared shitless but that's all apart of the fun. I'm scared but thrilled about all the new adventures I'm going to have. I'm just so excited to be apart of the college life for real this time. I've experienced a lot of what college has to offer but until I actually live on campus and live the actual college life I'm not truly getting the whole experience and that is something I want more than anything.

Maybe today I will drive myself up to Target and begin my dorm room hunt to mark this not all that exciting but still pretty important day. I just feel like I should do something today so it's not just any other day. I just want today to mean something more than me now having to pay for college.

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