Friday, May 20, 2011

Oscar the Grouch

I'm grouchy. I don't know why, I think it may just be in my disposition. All I know is I really need to quit being so grumpy all the time. I get like this at the most petty of times. If I don't get to do what I want I start to pout and get mean. This shows how really immature I am. I think it's become a habit and I should learn to control myself better. I love who I am but I need to learn to be a better version of me.

Something I have learned about myself recently is I am so black and white. This is not exactly a good thing. I'm either quiet or loud, happy or mad, controlled or out of control, ect. Anyway you get the picture. Changing this will hopefully come with time. I just want to be a more rounded person and less extreme. I think I'm going to need to grow up a lot before I'm able to do this. Looks like I now have a goal.

On a better note things seem to have calmed down at the Hansen household now that the majority of the set up for the party tomorrow is done. I have to admit I am very happy all this wedding stuff is almost over. I've loved being involved and have been really excited for all the festivities but I'm kinda worn out. I'm ready for life to settle down and be boring for a bit.

Life is good. I just need to relax and remember that. Despite the belief that the world is ending tomorrow, life goes on. What matters today probably won't matter tomorrow so I'm not going to sweat the little things and just try to be a better person. I'm going to do this for myself because mine is the only happiness I can control. There's my share of over used advice/philosophy for the day that I'm going to try to take to heart and who knows maybe it'll work out for me.

Just a side note though, don't take my ranting and raving about life as a sign that I am upset or depressed or whatever else. This blog is my way of sorting out how I'm feeling so I'm writing what ever comes to mind, good or bad . Instead of doing this in the privacy of my own mind I'm choosing to do it for the whole world to hear (not that they're listening). So just take my words for what they are and don't think to far into what they may or may not mean because I sure as heck am not. I'm very happy and lucky person who tends to over share. I think it's a good thing, you'll never have to guess what I'm thinking.

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