Thursday, July 7, 2011

North Carolina Continued

North Carolina is great. My parents left early Tuesday morning and I've loved spending some quality time with my sister and Dom. Taylor and I for the most part have gone shopping and hung out around the house. On the 5th, Lillington had their fireworks since the 4th it wouldn't stop storming. The fireworks were the best I've ever seen, there were like 8 parts that I thought were the grand finale and crazy shaped ones like stars and smiley faces. I saw a lot of people I knew from when I lived here and afterwards we all went to Thomas's house and hung out in his barns. Sadly though I managed to lose my phone while I was there, which isn't the worst thing since Thomas was nice enough to give me one to use till I buy a nice one. Anyway seeing everyone was really fun and I'm glad that I had a chance to get to know people more as who they are now than who I thought they were when they were 12. It's funny how much things change but for the most part stay the same.

So tonight Dom, Taylor, and I went to the movies and saw Bad Teacher which was hilarious. Fayetteville, which is the town near base that the closest movie theater (the one we went to) is in, is crazy ghetto. They have like legit cops that watch the theater because it's so shady there. It was great, on the way back through the town we had a contest to see who could spot the first hooker. I have never seen a real-life prostitute before and for some reason I really want to see one (from a distance of course). I'm not entirely sure why I have the urge but I do, I bet as soon as I actually see one I'll be really freaked out hah. So as you can conclude I didn't succeed in my goal to see my first actual hooker tonight but maybe one day I'll finally fulfill it.

I'm going to keep this pretty short cause it's pretty late and I'm really tired. Overall I'm loving being down here and will be pretty sad to be going home Saturday. I miss my bed and my friends back home but I've really loved the time I've spent down here and the people I've spent it with. So long for now, nighty night.

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