Monday, July 11, 2011


The electricity keeps going out. Hopefully I'll be able to finish this before it goes out again. I'm not entirely sure what I plan on accomplishing while I write tonight. There isn't one thing that I've been thinking about lately specifically just a bunch of scattered thoughts. So bare with me this will probably be a fairly random post.

First things first, I'm going to be a legal adult in three weeks. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal to a lot of people but for some reason this birthday seems to really be hitting me. Usually birthdays for me just mean a day where I get presents and people are slightly nicer to me. The number never seems like that big of a deal, I'm not sure why though but being 18 is a weird concept to me. All of these grown-up things are going to be hitting me at the end of the summer starting with my b-day. Pretty soon everything I do is gonna be on me. I just like this concept and am pretty excited. Don't get me wrong though, it's pretty unnerving but I think I'm ready.

I have decided that people should live and let live. This is and idea I've been exploring a lot lately. I've decided that if I screw up it's on me. Just like if someone screws up it's on them. Who cares what other people do on their own time. As long a person is a relatively kind person and is contributing something to society who cares what the hell they are doing, it's their own business.  I think I just don't think the majority of people have any right to judge me so why should I judge them.

I miss North Carolina. Way more than I thought I would. I had a really fun night at Thomas's and seeing people. Staying at Taylor and Dom's was great and I miss them. I didn't nearly get my Jordan fix while I was down there. And I just want to spend some more time down there. I just had such a good time on my trip and I was definitely not ready to leave.

I'm gaining my interest in boys back. For a while there they were the last thing on my mind but now I'm beginning to appreciate them again. I'm in no way looking to sleep around or sleep with anyone for that matter but I think I'm ready to start dating again. I'm young and I gotta take advantage of my looks while I still got 'em, yah know? I'm just excited to start being woo'ed again.

I want the school year to start. I feel like I am in transition mode just waiting for stuff to start and it's really bothering me. I'm ready to just be in the dorms instead of waiting to be there. I know I'm being incredibly inpatient but I haven't been this excited about something in a while. I'm sure as soon as I actually move in it's not going to be as exciting as I think it'll be I'm just ready to know. Like 7 weeks to go, it's the final stretch.

Time for me to sleep. g'night.

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