Saturday, July 23, 2011

and it all goes on...

It's been a while since I've posted, not for any other reason than the fact that I've been pretty busy and usually when I have some free time all I wanna do is sleep or veg out in front of the tv. I haven't really been occupied with big things more of just a bunch of little things. Not only am I babysitting around 50 hours a week, taking summer courses, but I also just got a new job. It's my first real person job ever and it's at court street coffee. Getting it really takes a lot of pressure off of me for the school year because now I don't have to worry about trying to find a job before I move out. But anyway so yeah I've got a lot on my plate but it's nice to keep busy and make some money while I'm at it.

So for some reason blogging isn't quite as appealing as it has been. I like doing it and I know that in a few years it's going to be interesting to look back and see what I talked about. For some reason though I don't feel the urge to do it as much as I did when I first started. This could be because I just don't have anything that important to say.

I've been feeling pretty good about life. I've realized though that I let money stress me out far to much and the more I seem to have of it the more I worry about spending it. I get an anxious feeling every time I think about it though and it's bothering me. I want to just stop spending so that I can put a whole lot of it into savings at the end of the summer. I just hate when I rely on getting a certain amount of money only to find out I'm not getting it. It's not even that I need it for any particular reason I'm just such a planner that I know exactly what the money will go towards and when. I don't know just talking about it all now is bothering me. It's stupid I need to get over it. God knows what I'll be like when I have to actually start paying for bills and other everyday things. Hopefully by then I will have an actual job and not relying on babysitting money or getting hours at a minimum wage job.

So summer is officially half way over and I could not be happier about that. I hate summer the only redeeming quality is that my birthday is in the summer and I am able to lay by the pool occasionally and get a tan. Otherwise it's too hot, pretty boring and I get stir crazy, I have to wake up earlier than I do during the school year, and everyone goes away for the summer it feels like. It also just feels like a big waiting period, waiting for school to start up again, waiting for the weather to cool off, and waiting for friends to be close by. This summer is even worse with the waiting because this time I'm just waiting to move into the dorms and out of my house. I HATE waiting. I am an extremely impatient person. Even if I'm waiting to get a tooth pulled I'd prefer it happened sooner rather than later. I'm ready for life to just start and get rollin'.

Well I got out pretty much all I've had to say, I'm going to go web browsing and continue to stalk craigslist for a cheap ipad.

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