Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's all coming to an end, or at least a pause.

Life has been crazy. I just finished up my first quarter as a real college kid and I really couldn't have asked for a better time. This quarter was everything I wanted it to be and more. I made some incredibly good friends, had some even better times, and learned more about myself and the people around me than I have in a while. In the past ten weeks I've studied during the week, partied on the weekend, and managed to work 20 plus hours a week somewhere in there. To say that I am a little burnt out is an understatement. I've had the time of my life so far this year but even too much fun is a bad thing. I'm ready to do a whole lot of nothing, I'm ready to be bored and lonely for a while.

To catch up on the quarter I've had would take writing a book so I'll just highlight the important stuff. Living in the dorms has been ridiculously fun. My roommate and I get along way better than I could ever have hoped, my across-the-hallmate has turned into one of my best friends, and the guys down the hall are more enjoyable to be around than most people I've ever met. I've made some interesting decisions this quarter but then again what college kid hasn't? None of them were too stupid and if nothing else make for a good story of "remember when I...?".  This has been the time for me to figure out what I am and am not ok with, and I'm beginning to realize I'm not as uptight as everyone has always made me out to be. Loosening up this year and just going with the flow has lead me to some of the most enjoyable times this I've ever had. Don't think that my quarter has been all fun and games though, I switched my major to accounting which included vast amounts of homework and studying, I started working my first real job and have since worked way too many hours, and have overall been attempting to keep my shit together. All my life has consisted of lately has been class, work, friends, and homework, and to be completely honest I'm ready to avoid all of these things for the next month.

I'm going to miss all of the friends I've made when they leave me over break but some alone time and family time sounds just about right at the moment. But before they leave I'm waking them all up and forcing them to get brunch with me. I'll try to post slightly more often but no promises can be made.

1 comment:

  1. Not so, maam. Not so
    (your silly comment
    about how all is coming
    to an end).
    Yes, dear, TheEnd shall
    surely arrive... yet,
    if you have FAITH in
    Jesus, even a lil seed,
    you WILL be resurrected
    to enjoy the fruits of
    your infinite existence.
    Follow me Upstairs...
